From Ground to Air

The Journey of the Handstand with Will Torres

Our Founder, Will Torres, was interviewed about the intricacies and benefits of handstand training, why it's an essential part of our regimen at Willspace, and how it has the potential to change not only your training routine but also your life.

Rarely do we consider an exercise that involves standing on our hands. However, the handstand, a seemingly playful act we may associate with our childhood, is a critical exercise for core strength, body awareness, and posture.

Consistency is Key

The first and most crucial takeaway is that the importance lies in the journey when working on your handstand. It's about consistency, perseverance, and trust in the process. Will's advice is "Start, be consistent, and never back down." 

The Handstand Advantage

So, why handstand? Beyond the thrill of defying gravity, the handstand is a practice of developing body awareness and control. You are asking your arms to act as your legs, flipping the norm and introducing a new physical dynamic. This requires the strength of your shoulders and integrating your core in ways you might have never imagined. The journey alone will profoundly affect your posture and your core's integrity.

The Power of Increasing Frequency 

In his practice, Will discovered that a significant change occurred when he decided to switch his handstand training frequency from twice a week to four times a week. This simple adjustment profoundly affected his progress and sped up his results. 

The Willspace Approach

At Willspace, we believe in robust training programs, protocols, and processes. A good coach will guide you along the right path and help you assess and adjust your routine when necessary. For instance, if you've been working on your handstand but aren't seeing results, it's time to reassess: can you hold a chest to the wall for 1 minute or a nose to the wall five times? Skipping steps won't bring results. Each phase of your training matters, and bumps along the way are expected.

Patience Pays

Physical transformation requires patience. While large muscles may adapt relatively quickly, the smaller, often neglected elements like tendons and ligaments take more time. These, however, are the key to effective and lasting change.

The Mental Game

The journey of mastering the handstand isn't purely physical. It's also a mental game. The aim is to maintain a handstand for a long time, connect deeply with your body, and understand its capabilities and limitations.

Progress and Goals

Will currently consistently holds a 1-minute freestanding handstand for five sets and is working towards a one-arm handstand.

With time, patience, and practice, you can defy gravity and reap the multitude of benefits that handstands offer. Ready to flip your training journey? Join us at Willspace, and let's train your handstand together!


October Client Spotlight


Mastering Core Strength